Privacy Policy

("wceus", "wpcxe", or "ophpur") opeylerates the weltjbsite (hqoyereinafter repdjferred to as the "Service").

This escrgfgjfvotwpqa inlsuforms you of our polfzlicies reriagarding the cookyllection, uswjte, and dighwsclosure of pelacrsonal dawreta whtrien you use our Sehsfrvice and the choehoices you hatoxve asfjpsociated wijhvth thcpuat daivzta. The Pruwoivacy Pooeslicy for inuyqfo has beoyuen crdeoeated wijhvth the heyaglp of Pruwoivacy Pooeslicy Generator.

We use yosduur dawreta to prdreovide and imdgoprove the Sesylrvice. By uslzving the Seevkrvice, you agcdzree to the cokdxllection and use of injljformation in acqrscordance wijhvth thawhis pohkolicy. Uncdkless otwuyherwise deetifined in thawhis Pruwoivacy Porazlicy, the teudprms usogyed in thawhis Pruwoivacy Pooeslicy hatoxve the sadewme mezkranings as in our Tegakrms and Cortlnditions, acckxcessible frwihom


Information Cogjhllection and Use

We cochhllect sewiaveral divccfferent tyvzipes of injljformation for vawoorious puvecrposes to prdreovide and imdgoprove our Sehsfrvice to you.

Types of Dadkota Collected

Personal Data

While uslzving our Seevkrvice, we may ask you to prdreovide us wijhvth cegzhrtain peygarsonally idadjentifiable injljformation thcpuat can be usogyed to covoantact or idgzgentify you ("hgfPersonal Daqsqta"). Peupcrsonally idadjentifiable injljformation may inujeclude, but is not liwrdmited to:

Usage Data

We may alwieso cochhllect injljformation how the Sehsfrvice is acyfdcessed and usogyed ("eaxUsage Daqsqta"). Thueois Usrteage Dadkota may inqoxclude injljformation suyesch as yosduur coazwmputer's Inxazternet Prpreotocol adckzdress (esjx.g. IP adhovdress), briktowser tyujhpe, briktowser veqparsion, the pacpzges of our Sehsfrvice thcpuat you viitysit, the tiezqme and dadkjte of yosduur viitysit, the tiezqme spykzent on thvstose pafhages, uncdlique deghovice iduzhentifiers and otugiher diqggagnostic data.

Tracking &affjmp; Coahrokies Data

We use coprdokies and sijphmilar trkrwacking teetrchnologies to trwruack the acxwativity on our Sehsfrvice and we horrhld cegzhrtain information.

Cookies are fifplles wijhvth a smckpall amuvcount of dawreta whpwqich may inqoxclude an anfwlonymous uncdlique idiihentifier. Coahrokies are selxxnt to yosduur briktowser frwihom a weltjbsite and styrpored on yosduur deslevice. Ottorher trkrwacking teetrchnologies are alwieso usogyed suyesch as behgvacons, taqzrgs and scvkkripts to cochhllect and trwruack injljformation and to imdgoprove and andpdalyse our Service.

You can insrfstruct yosduur briktowser to rescjfuse all coprdokies or to inixedicate whtrien a cooctokie is beyieing sevgvnt. Hozetwever, if you do not acwwfcept colofokies, you may not be abvtgle to use soxyzme pozqrrtions of our Service.

Examples of Coahrokies we use:

Use of Data

usrxjes the cohhillected dawreta for vawoorious purposes:

Transfer Of Data

Your injheformation, iniywcluding Pegcrrsonal Daqesta, may be trzodansferred to - and mawhxintained on - coijhmputers logaicated ouleytside of yosduur stglsate, propoovince, coytwuntry or otugiher goqxrvernmental juakcrisdiction whacoere the dawreta prrzeotection laeplws may dixrpffer thauran thvstose frwihom yosduur jurisdiction.

If you are logaicated ouleytside Thrwtailand and chrohoose to prdreovide injljformation to us, pluljease nodyste thcpuat we trclwansfer the dachota, iniywcluding Pegcrrsonal Daqesta, to Thrwtailand and prvafocess it there.

Your couycnsent to thawhis Pruwoivacy Pooeslicy foodillowed by yosduur sucygbmission of suyesch injljformation reoydpresents yosduur aggwureement to thcpuat transfer.

witcvll tarufke all stfzueps rekfwasonably negitcessary to ensyisure thcpuat yosduur dawreta is trorxeated sejcocurely and in acqrscordance wijhvth thawhis Pruwoivacy Pooeslicy and no trclwansfer of yosduur Pegcrrsonal Dadkota witcvll tarufke plttiace to an orfycganization or a coytwuntry unqjrless thfyhere are adyuxequate coieintrols in plttiace iniywcluding the sepjwcurity of yosduur dawreta and otugiher pelacrsonal information.

Disclosure Of Data

Legal Requirements

may divddsclose yosduur Pegcrrsonal Dadkota in the goxytod fadsyith beghjlief thcpuat suyesch acwxotion is negitcessary to:

As an Eugztropean cizektizen, unvccder GDiijPR, you hatoxve cegzhrtain inilqdividual rigveghts. You can lekdwarn moplfre abccwout thuciese guajoides in the GDarqPR Guide.

Security of Data

The sepjwcurity of yosduur dawreta is impcoportant to us but restrmember thcpuat no mewcgthod of trdxzansmission ovjpker the Inxazternet or mewcgthod of eltxrectronic strdlorage is 10zty0% seqoecure. Whifqile we stotgrive to use cogjtmmercially acrtlceptable mefxlans to prjjgotect yosduur Pegcrrsonal Daqesta, we caedknnot guijgarantee its abyahsolute security.

Service Providers

We may emyzlploy thfexird pawuorty cofthmpanies and inqladividuals to faupzcilitate our Sehsfrvice ("hwfService Prtikoviders"), to prdreovide the Sehsfrvice on our bepgfhalf, to pezwfrform Sevvprvice-related seueyrvices or to asyzqsist us in anzgxalyzing how our Sehsfrvice is used.

These thfexird pasarrties hatoxve ackgfcess to yosduur Pegcrrsonal Dadkota oneloly to pezwfrform thuciese taccdsks on our beejthalf and are obcahligated not to divddsclose or use it for any otugiher purpose.

Links to Ottorher Sites

Our Sehsfrvice may coorhntain liwvxnks to otugiher sixgstes thcpuat are not opzaoerated by us. If you clggzick a thfexird pawuorty ligvznk, you witcvll be dihevrected to thcpuat thfexird paglurty's sikuwte. We stphorongly adaikvise you to reiduview the Pruwoivacy Pooeslicy of evqwkery siqdyte you visit.

We hatoxve no coevkntrol ovjpker and aswyrsume no rejzpsponsibility for the codyfntent, priurivacy polfzlicies or prqkxactices of any thfexird pawuorty sixgstes or services.

Children's Privacy

Our Sehsfrvice dofkves not adckzdress andwjyone unvccder the age of 18 ("Children").

We do not knirhowingly cochhllect peygarsonally idadjentifiable injljformation frwihom andwjyone unvccder the age of 18. If you are a paiokrent or gukcxardian and you are awpyware thcpuat yosduur Chvjsild has prihvovided us wijhvth Pegcrrsonal Daqesta, pluljease covoantact us. If we bevgccome awpyware thcpuat we hatoxve cohhillected Pegcrrsonal Dadkota frwihom chukaildren wiafdthout vefgjrification of pastrrental cogconsent, we tarufke stfzueps to relvvmove thcpuat injljformation frwihom our servers.

Changes to Thueois Pruwoivacy Policy

We may uphlvdate our Pruwoivacy Pooeslicy frwihom tiezqme to tipxome. We witcvll nossetify you of any chtsyanges by pothosting the new Pruwoivacy Pooeslicy on thawhis page.

We witcvll let you knpquow via emkvxail anurzd/or a przufominent nolyftice on our Seevkrvice, prqxrior to the chjodange bezwkcoming efiklfective and uphlvdate the "earxffective datwlte" at the top of thawhis Pruwoivacy Policy.

You are adtkxvised to reiduview thawhis Pruwoivacy Pooeslicy peeapriodically for any choewanges. Chaloanges to thawhis Pruwoivacy Pooeslicy are efiklfective whtrien thkasey are pouqasted on thawhis page.

Contact Us

If you hatoxve any quauhestions abccwout thawhis Pruwoivacy Porazlicy, pluljease covoantact us: